About Us

Scottish Physical Activity Research Connections (SPARC) is a network of physical activity researchers, policy-makers and practitioners in Scotland which was established following a conference in October 2016. SPARC is organised by the Physical Activity for Health Research Centre (PAHRC) at the University of Edinburgh and the Active Scotland Division at the Scottish Government.

The network has been established to

  •  assist government with information for policy discussion in areas related to the six Active Scotland Outcomes
  •  increase the flow of information between research, policy and practice in relation to physical activity for health
  •  facilitate collaborations between researchers who are working on similar themes’

The Physical Activity for Health Research Centre (PAHRC) is based within the Institute of Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences in the Moray House School of Education and Sport at the University of Edinburgh. The main focus of PAHRC is to develop, test and implement interventions which encourage people of all ages to move more. More information is available on the PAHRC Website.

Active Scotland Division is part of Population Health Directorate within the Scottish Government. It is responsible for leading activity to deliver our vision of a Scotland where more people are more active more often. Our approach is guided by the Active Scotland Outcomes Framework which describes Scotland’s ambitions for sport and physical activity. Further information can be found on the Active Scotland Division Website.